After the Glow...
The dawn has just broken on what looks to be
A brand new life waiting, one I can’t wait to see
Your being there with me, as I climbed the first rung
Listening intently as the words rolled off my tongue
Meant more to my heart than mere words can declare
The love filled the room up because you were there
I’m so grateful and humbled that you took out the time
And shared with me what had been previously mine
Your kindness and encouragement have helped me to know
That ideas make a difference and help us to grow
I’m inspired to work hard to mature in my art
And invite you along and to please play a part
Of the journey that stretches as I struggle to decode
And make sense of the gift with which I’ve been bestowed
For no doubt exists from where this talent extends
The rhymes and the rhythms are not mine in the end
I just solve the puzzle of what words to put where
Rendering dreams whispered as they float on the air
photos of event on March 8, 2006
Personal poetry
for all occassions
treasured moments
To preserve what they are worth
And find your precious stories
Bring your words to life in verse
Calendar An Evening of Poetry
with Tina Ann! Wednesday,
March 8, 2006
7 pm Tina Ann shares her unique
insights and expressions
in an evening
of rhyming verses
both fun and serious,
including: “The Princess —
A Fairy Tale for Grownups”
A Grind coffee shop
24801 Alicia Parkway
Suite C
Laguna Hills CA (949) 837-8300
(near Alicia and 5 Freeway by
Laguna Hills Car Wash)